Due to lack of proper internet connections I'm a little behind on my blog posting. Luckily for you this means that I have a back log of posts to be finished, which gives you all something to look forward to! First off is the Chocolate Orange baking adventure, part one!
Last week was a busy baking week, with a long promised congratulatory cake and some good bye yummies. First up, Earl Grey cupcakes for a friend who is leaving to study abroad for a year. I have made these cupcakes before but I added a topping. So what's chocolate orange about earl grey cupcakes? The Terry's Chocolate Orange chunks! As well as the chocolate orange ganache topping. Yum!
I thenk baked the Earl Grey cupcakes. They are made with earl grey loose leaf too steeped in milk, giving the cupcakes a subtle but distinct earl grey flavour. I added chunks of terry's chocolate orange to the mixture as a fancy extra. It makes the cupcakes slightly more interesting, and as my earl grey tea was already infused with orange blossom I thought it would be a perfect match (which it was!)
I finished the cupcakes off with a chocolate/earl grey/orange ganache I had made the day before. It again uses earl grey loose leaf tea steeped in milk, and I added some orange zest for fun. The ganache turned out perfectly which I dolloped on and turned into a pretty swirl. To finish the whole thing off I sprinkled on some gold sugar balls and eadable glitter. Fancy Smancy!!
So far for Chocolate Orange pt 1. Part two will follow soon!
xoxo Jennifer
Aaaaaaaaaaah too pretty <3
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