So the other week I was at my parents' house, all alone... perfect time to do some baking! Nice big kitchen, nice big oven... wow the luxury! I couldn't pass that up! So I decided to make two things for them for when they returned from their vacation: Sticky Swirls and a pear pie (will be posted next week).
So first up sticky swirls for breakfast. These sticky swirls were a kind of sweet walnut bread with chocolate chips. So first I made the bread, which is where I made a couple of mistakes. There was no plain flour left so I used whole-wheat flour. Unfortunately the flavour of this whole-wheat flour was a little overpowering in the end. Next 'mistake' was the yeast. I didn't know that the yeast in my mother's cupboard was old, which meant the bread didn't rise as much as it should have! No worries however, I'll take you through the steps anyway:
So first I rolled out the bread dough and "sprinkled" it with chocolate chunks and chopped up walnuts. Then I rolled the whole thing up.
I then cut the roll into 12 semi-even parts. I then placed them face up in a round baking tin, making the 'swirl' visible. Unfortunately the bread didn't rise the way it should have (yeast problem) and so I let it sit extra long and in fact then put it in the fridge overnight because it was too late to still bake them. So I baked them the next morning so they would be fresh for breakfast with the parents. They looked niced, tasted less nice.
My disapproval absolutely didn't stop my father from munching on them, so I'm glad someone liked them! Rather than sticky they were rather crunchy, crunchy being an understatement. The idea was really nice however so I will definitely try to make them again sometimes, with the right flour, and fresh yeast.
See you next week for the Pear Walnut Lattice Pie!!!
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