The other day at work we had the yearly summer barbecue. Each department was asked to bring a dessert and at the barbecue the kids would act as jury and pick the best dessert. Well - I so had that in the pocket. Or so I thought. With a grand total of zero votes I was the grand loser of the evening, although I had an absolute blast making these little rainbow cupcakes. So even though the (stupid) kids didn't like them, I thought they were great, and here they are to share with you!
For the rainbow cupcakes I used 5 different colours: red, orange, yellow, green and blue. Ready to go!
I made two batches of rainbow cupcakes, top to bottom and bottom to top, if you catch my drift... It certainly doesn't look like cake, but I think these look awesome!
They look rather inconspicous once they're baked (as far as blue cupcakes look inconspicuous....
To decorate I made "cloud" icing (fluffy white icing) and added little rainbow sprinkles to top them off!
Well I think the end result is seriously cool.
I was told that the kids weren't used to "brightly coloured food"... I made these insanely coloured cupcakes thinking they would appeal to kids (I'm not normally a fan of the litres of food colouring in food) so that just shows you what I know about kids... next time I'll just bake a cake I would like myself!
xoxo Jennifer
I bet they were Japanese kids. The Dutch kids I know (including yours truly) have been known to gobble these down like they were filling a rainbow-intake quota...
Hahaha - this is awesome Jenn =]
xxx Renske
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