Sunday 24 March 2013

"Healthy" Apple Cake

Dear all,

The holiday period is always filled with good food (at least in my case!) so starting the year with a 'healthier' option isn't such a bad idea. I decided to make a 'healthier' apple cake for a colleague who was leaving.  Sweetened by the fruit in it rather than sugar and with a minimum of butter in it this cake is actually not all that bad (for you). Add nuts and raisins and you get this delicious apple cake.

Here it is yet unbaked. Looks a bit like... gruel? But it comes out looking fantastic, see!

The apple goes in grated, so you don't really see chunks of apple, but you see the raisins and nuts, yummy!

Beautifully served on plastic plates. Just the way I like my cake, haha!

This cake was actually quite a success. With a lot less sugar and fat in it it is a good option for those of you out there watching what you eat but still craving cake!

Next week, an 'unhealthy' apple pie. Because we can.

xoxo Jennifer