Wednesday 6 October 2010

Housewarming Pie

Dear all,

It's another Wednesday with another post. Today I would like to tell you about these housewarming pies I made. A friend of mine had requested a Key Lime Pie and a Mississippi Mud Pie a while a go, and of course, her wish is my command!

The Key Lime Pie first of all is a egg yolk-rich lime, creamy kind of pie. The version I mad had a lovely, buttery digestive biscuit base with a zesty lime filling.

I then topped the whole thing off with some freshly grated lime zest. Tadaa!

The Hummingbird bakery recipe says their version doesn't need any food colouring because the lime itself makes it go that colour. I think mine was still more yellow-ish than lime green, but as the flavours were balanced I think we'll leave it like this. No need for funny artificial colouring.

Next item on the menu: the Mississippi Mud Pie, a creamy mud cake type pie on a drier shortcrust type of base. I have no found several recipes, including a pear pie that will feature later on in this blog, which use this kind of pastry. I myself find it too dry so I think next time I will use my own shortcrust pastry recipe to make this pie even better. Because it sure was good!

After pre-baking the pie crust I baked the chocolate pie until it was just firm to the touch. It leaves a crispy topping but the inside was as creamy as the key lime pie. Topped with whipped cream as well and some hand-grated chocolate as well as some sugar decorations this pie looked like a dream as well!

And of course, it tasted great too! Happy friend Roxy was happy!

xoxo Jennifer


Anonymous said...

Oh, I wasn't expecting my own face there.


And it took me three days to finish them since there was so much of them- they had become such a part of my staple diet by then that I immediately developed withdrawal symptoms. What fantastic key lime, what divine mississippi mud! You have outdone yourself; as you seem to do every time you pwn a recipe. Mads and I are soooo grateful <3

keep up all the awesome, Miss Awesome!