Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Fortnum and Mason

Dear all,

As I have been away I did not have time to bake something myself. Instead I'll give you a little glimpse of a foodie thing to do: have tea and cake at Fortnum and Mason in London! Foodie heaven!

My mum had an espresso (with chocolate ice cream!) and a raspberry and yoghurt semi-cheesecake like thing.

I had tea and scones. YUM.

It was loooovely!!

xoxo Jennifer


Agnoek said...

Je loopt drie weken achter :-P btw: cupcake woman:

Jennemeiske said...

jaa I knoww :( maar als ik steeds in t weekend moet werken heb ik geen zin meer in bakken... mss dit weekend weer!! sowieso eind van de maand, collega jarig = taart bakken. Dat zat er dik in natuurlijk ;) Misschien volgende week proef draaien... en wow die cupcakes zijn ccrrraaaazyyyy :D :D

Agnoek said...

2 maanden later......:-(