Wednesday 13 July 2011

Coconut-Lemon cake

Dear all,

This week I would like to show you a runner-up for the 80th birthday cake competition. This coconut and lemon cake unfortunately did not make it to the final cut, I couldn't get the balance right I felt, but I couldn't dismiss it completely. Here it is:

Getting my (new!) kitchen ready:

Then mixing the eggs etc until the lot doubles in size:

Tadaa 2 lemon coconuts cake cooling down! Time to make the lemon custard and lemon/coconut icing to fill and cover the cake:

Finally time to put the whole thing together, starting to look good.

And there it is, all done. I wasn't too happy about the density of the cake, or how the lemon custard etc turned out. I will have to have a few more go's at this cake to get it right, because in essence I think it's a great cake. Especially as it was a bit different to what I normally do (chocolaaatteee). Better luck next time!

xoxo Jennifer